Conceptual idea and illustration for OTR Chamber of Commerce Campaign to promote shopping in Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati Ohio during the 2010 Holiday.
Conceptual Idea and Pitch
Using “You’re Welcome” as an invitation to come to OTR for the Holidays … as well as a bit of a cheeky response to you thanking us for ‘Lighting up the streets’… even though you haven’t said thank you yet… but probably should… You’re Welcome.

More on the illustration process for Main Street Over-The-Rhine
Final Result
The idea and illustration style won the pitch, which was great. As it passed through the design phase, and with input from stakeholders, illustration fully developed, and we landed on a different and maybe a bit more straight forward campaign message.

More on Over-the-Rhine
It’s a transformation that’s happened in a blink of an eye, turning a neighborhood that in 2009 topped Compton in Los Angeles for the “most dangerous” title into something that looks and feels like Greenwich Village.
Politico, How Cincinnati Salvaged the Nation’s Most Dangerous Neighborhood
Over-the-Rhine (often abbreviated as OTR) is a neighborhood in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. Historically, Over-the-Rhine has been a working-class neighborhood. It is also believed to be one of the largest, most intact urban historic districts in the United States.
From Wikipedia, Over-the-Rhine